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What are our worship services like?
Welcome to Solid Rock Community Church (SRCC). Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. At SRCC you’ll find a church that wants to help you become the person God created you to be. With a friendly atmosphere and numerous ministries, SRCC might just be the perfect place for you and your family to take your next steps of faith. When you arrive, we want you feel comfortable. Everybody is welcome! We have a free coffee bar which opens at 9:00 on Sunday morning. This is where most of the congregation gathers prior to the worship service to relax and socialize. The worship service starts at 10:00 and generally has a more traditional flavor. However, our focus is always to have authentic worship of Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth.
What do I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable when you come to SRCC. Generally, people tend to dress in casual clothes. Pastor Joel frequently wears shorts and flip-flops during the summer and jeans the rest of the year. Our ultimate goal is for you to feel welcome like you are part of our family.
What do we believe?
At SRCC we believe all human beings deserve to be treated with dignity and respect because each of us bears the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). The Bible also tells us in the first 2 chapters of the book of Ephesians, that before the beginning of time, God knew us. In other words, before God created anything, He knew He was going to create each and everyone of us. He values us that much. Subsequently, if God love and loves us that much, then we in turn should should follow his example and treat everyone with love and compassion.
In addition, when humankind was created, we were created with an eternal soul and the intention was that ultimately everyone would live forever in the presence of God in a paradise created specifically for us.
Unfortunately, all of us have misbehaved by acting poorly towards God and to each other (Romans 3:23). The Bible calls our bad behavior sin. According to the Bible, every person who ever lived (aside from Jesus Christ) has fallen short of a perfect life. As a result, we lost our place in paradise and instead, are condemned to be separated from God forever (Romans 6:23, Revelation 20:5).
This leads to the question of “Why would a a loving God want us to be separated from Him for eternity?” God would do this because He is also a just God and real justice requires consequences for our sin. Fortunately, because God is a loving God, he also provided a mechanism by which our sins an be forgiven. In short, this is called GRACE!
By definition, Justice is when you get what you deserve (e.g. I stole a care, I go to jail). Mercy is when you don’t get what you deserve (e.g. I stole a care, but the the judge lets you off with a warning). Grace is when you get what you don’t deserve (e.g. I stole the car and the judge lets me keep it). So, because of our sin, justice dictates we deserve eternal separation from God, However, because of His grace, we have opportunity to spend eternity with Him.
This opportunity is provided to us through the life and death of Jesus Christ.
God in his infinite wisdom, required the sacrifice of blood as a means of obtaining God’s mercy. Because the sacrifice required the death of an animal, it is a constant reminder of the cost and significance of our sin. It is not something to take lightly. In the book of Hebrews (9:22) in the Bible, it states “without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin”. God hates sin and requires a severe penalty!
In time, God decided have one momentous sacrifice, that would be a onetime offering that would pay the cost for everyone’s sin - forever. So, God came to earth as a human (100% God & 100% human). This person was Jesus Christ. During his time on earth, He led perfect life and when He died on the cross, He provided the perfect sacrifice for our sins.
We truly believe life with Jesus Christ is the best kind of life, and we make it our mission to help all people know God, love God and others, and serve the world. So if any of this resonates with your heart, come and check us out.
SRCC beliefs with regard to human sexuality.
At SRCC, we understand how divisive the topic of human sexuality has become in our society and discussions should be approached carefully. There has been great harm done to people regarding this issue. Our own denomination, the Global Methodist Church, is the result of a less than cordial split with the United Methodist Church in 2023. Although there were many variables which led to the separation, at the heart of the debate was the interpretation what the Bible teaches about human sexuality.
If we look at the life of Jesus as reported in the Gospels, He demonstrated love and mercy to all he met, even when they were in the process of hanging Him on a cross. The reason he came to earth as a man was so that he could offer Himself as the only way to spend eternity in heaven with God.
Those who do not live according to this standard, including each Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual or Transgendered (LGBT) person deserves this dignity and respect no less than any other, and we, as Christians, should demonstrate this in our thoughts, speech, and behavior. Speech, including humor, which is demeaning, has no place in the Christian community. Likewise, this means we oppose any mistreatment of those who identify as LGBT.
The gospel is full of grace and truth. It is an offer of grace and forgiveness to sinners as well as a call to live a holy life. It empowers us in the struggle to resist sin, including sexual sin (Rom. 1:16; 1 Cor. 6:9-11; Eph. 4:20-24; 1 Thess. 4:3-8; Tit. 2:11-13).
How do I learn more?
We would love to connect with you! Please message us on Facebook or submit the form below and our staff will reach out to you.
Where are you located?
We are located 100 Church Street in Big Run, Pennsylvania 15767
Is there available parking?
We have available parking behind the church. In addition, there is on street parking as well as parking in the post office parking lot and the bank parking lot which are across the street from the church.