• The mission of the music, worship, and creative arts ministry at Solid Rock, shall be to glorify God, and provide opportunities for God to speak to us, and to edify each other, with the purpose of the music, worship, and creative arts ministry is to help provide an atmosphere, which is agreeable and comfortable to worship at SRCC. The members of this ministry apply their godly discernment in choosing, playing, and singing the meaningful songs to enhance the pastors sermon, dramatizations to enrich the worship experience, and using liturgical dance at the appropriate times. They see to it that all the choices of music , songs (lyrics), dance movements, and drama pieces meet the right priority of worship: first, to glorify God; second, for God to speak to us; and third, for us to edify each other. We must make sure that our worship services meet these three prerequisites:

    Glorifying God – Worship is accomplished vertically upward, when we are talking to God
    God speaks to us– Worship is accomplished vertically downward, when God is talking to us
    Edifying each other – Worship is accomplished horizontal left-to-right, when we are edifying and encouraging each other.

Our Team


Joel & Kimberly


Pastor Joel and Kimberly are both from Punxsutawney and were high school sweethearts. They dated for six years before tying the knot and have been married for over 38 years. They have four married sons, three of whom serve in the ministry. Joel is a retired school psychologist and Kimberly is a retired maternity nurse.

They both strongly believe that church should be about building relationships, helping others grow strong in their faith, and it should be fun. Although life is full of struggles and everyone gets down at times, the Christian life should help people exude joy and laughter. Our church family should help all of us to live life together, laugh together, cry together, and grow in our faith together.


Meet the Team

  • Sam Cavallo


    The trustees serve as Christian stewards of the property God has entrusted to the congregation. This includes supervising and maintaining both the physical property of the congregation and gifts made to the congregation so that the ministries of the congregation can be effective and all legal requirements related to the property are satisfied.

  • Todd Peace


    The security team aspires to create a safe and secure environment for all church members, staff, and visitors while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere.

    The team promotes a sense of preparedness and awareness among the congregation. This involves cultivating confidence in the team’s ability to handle potential threats or emergencies and fostering a culture where everyone feels empowered to contribute to the safety and security of the church community.

  • Kimberly Fugate

    Arts and Aesthetics

    The Purpose of the Arts & Aesthetics Team is to employ God-given gifts and talents to “set the tone” to create a beautiful, worshipful environment in the sanctuary that reflects God’s handiwork in nature. In addition, the team wants to creatively glorify God in the way we decorate the entire building and grounds of Solid Rock Community Church.

  • Mary Couch


    Purpose: The mission of the Prayer Ministry is to INTERCEDE to God constantly on behalf of the church leaders and its members, ENCOURAGE and MOTIVATE the church members to develop a prayer life!

  • Doug Beichner

    Faith Formation

    Faith formation is a life-long process in which people claim their identity as beloved children of God and their call to participate in God’s purposes for the world. This process involves information (what we know), formation (who we are and who we are becoming), and transformation (how the world is changed because of who we are and how we live). A life of faith, then, includes cognitive, emotional, and behavioral dimensions.

    The team is responsible for identifying, designing, implementing and promoting faith formation endeavors; shepherding adults, teens, and children through their personal paths of spiritual growth.

  • Lisa London


    The mission of the hospitality ministry is to provide a welcoming environment of love, acceptance, comfort, support, care, and unity for visitors, members, guests, and friends; in order to enhance their worship experience, encourage fellowship, and help build a community of believers. The hospitality ministry serves to reflect the love of Christ through expressions of gratitude, excitement, and enthusiasm to create an inviting and caring environment during our services and special events.

  • Joel Fugate


    This team is responsible for planning and organizing outreach events, establishing relationships within the community, recruiting and training volunteers, implementing effective strategies, and promoting community involvement.

  • Dylan Humenik

    Strategic Planning

    Strategic planning is the ongoing, long-term organizational process that defines a church's goals by using available knowledge to document its intended direction. The team goal is to prioritize efforts, allocate resources, align church partners and employees on goals, and ensure that data collected supports those goals.

  • Nathan Stebbins

    SPRC & Board President

    SPRT purpose is to effectively build a strong positive relationship between staff and congregation so that the congregation makes disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. This committee will work with the lead pastor and other staff to fulfill legal and ethical responsibilities related to staff.

  • Lori Bouch

    Lay Leader

    An effective lay leader functions as the primary representative and role model of Christian discipleship and faith lived out in the church and in daily life. The lay leader works with the pastor to fulfill the mission and vision of the congregation.

  • Wendy Peace


    Overseeing and managing the finances of Solid Rock Community Church (SRCC) is a big responsibility. This is best accomplished Finance Team consisting of people who work together to provide oversight and direction. Ultimately, they work together to help sustain ministry and steward the church’s resources well.

  • Tera Hollopeter


    Church media's purpose is to transmit messages, disseminate information, and facilitate worship, outreach, and interaction with both members and the wider community. The importance of multimedia for churches is in its capacity to augment communication, outreach, engagement, and worship experiences.